Julia Diệp My Feige

Düsseldorf / Berlin


Lucky Charms

Lucky Charms is a series of photographed installations with objects and Vietnamese incense sticks, shedding light on Southeast Asian ancestor worship in the disguise of an advertisement. At the same time, the work refers to the art history of object and archeological photography where the object is isolated from the environment and put against a contrasting monochrome background. For the NNNFAIR, Julia Diệp My Feige chose to use light boxes as a display for her series, which speaks the language of a fair. Each light box contains two prints of the photo series.

Julia Diệp My Feige is a German-Vietnamese director, doctor and artist who studies Fine Art at the Art Academy Düsseldorf. She was nominated for Deutscher Nachwuchsfilmpreis (German Youth Film Award) in 2021 and currently holds a Deutschlandstipendium scholarship. She works with multiple media such as film, object and music and, through her practice, she investigates the intrinsic nature of the static and the moving image. In her work she deals with gender and cultural identity often from an in-between perspective.